Scientific infrastructure

  • Abai KazNPU Research Institute of Psychology
  • Abai KazNPU Research Institute of Applied Physics and Mathematics
  • Research Institute of intellectual nation formation
  • Laboratory of bioekomonitoring
  • Laboratory of Physics and Nanotechnology
  • Laboratory of Chemistry
  • Oral History Center
  • Council of Young Scientists
  • Republican Scientific Pedagogical Library of MES RK
  • Reading rooms in library of Abai KazNPU

Cooperation with scientific research centres of RK:

  • M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art of MES RK
  • A. Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics of MES RK
  • Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling of MES
  • JSC National Center of Informatization
  • Institute of Economics of MES RK
  • Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religion of MES RK
  • Institute of Astrophysics
  • Institute of Information and Management of MES RK
  • Physico-Technical Institute of MES
  • R.B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies of MES RK
  • RSO CBI MES Institute of Microbiology and Virology
  • Institute of Zoology DGP RSO CBI MES
  • Institute of Botany and Phytointroduction of MES
  • Shokan Valikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology of KH MES
  • Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Public association "Academy of Pedagogical Sciences”
  • Institute of Geography of MES RK

Fundamental Research

  • Theoretical and methodological bases of professional development of the teaching staff at the stage of post-graduate education
  • Scientific substantiation of biotic control of soil pollution in urban areas with heavy metals
  • Improved heap leaching of gold balance ores using microbiological method
  • Psychological support of the educational process in the modernization of the national education system
  • Radiation technologies to create new materials

Conferences 2014

  • «Formation of effective mechanisms to improve the competitive potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the context of implementation of the Strategy Kazakhstan-2050"
  • «Modern trends in psychological sciences and practice"
  • «Information and communication technologies in preparation of master and PhD students"
  • «Customs policy and national security"

Mutually profitable cooperation with universities and foreign countries is carried out by various research and teaching areas using a variety of organizational forms: Master courses, PhD program students and faculty exchanges, participation in international conferences, seminars and roundtables, joint activities in developing comprehensive educational programs in many international scientific and educational organizations.

International projects and researches

  • DAAD Scholarship Program
  • ERASMUS MUNDUS Scholarship Program
  • Project SES
  • Project TEMPUS EPUCA
  • Project "The new technology for the production of tungsten oxide from low grade tungsten ore" (PRC).

Scientific project scholarships:

The annual contest of scientific research of the Republic of Kazakhstan among undergraduates.

Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan holds this event to:

  • motivate research and educational-cognitive activities of undergraduates
  • selecting and supporting the most talented students
  • promote the formation of the intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The annual contest of scientific research for master's and Phd program students to gain a scholarship of the rector of Abai KazNPU. The main goal of this project is to promote innovation system and research activities of young talented scientists.

We are proud

  • Presidential scholarship holders of the Republic Of Kazakhstan
  • Graduates of Institute of master and PhD programms