Preparation of masters education in "Psychology", "Pedagogy and Psychology", "Defectology" and "Sport" at the Institute of Masters and Doctoral PhD KazNPU named after Abai performed in 2013 at the Department of Psychology and Special Education. Directs the Department Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Movkebayeva Z.A Previously, training in these specialties occurred in the department of psychological and pedagogical skills.

The need to create the Department of Psychology and Special Education was dictated by:

  1. The expansion of training programs being conducted in the Institute of Masters and Doctoral PhD;
  2. Rapid development of educational psychology and special education as one of the focal areas of pedagogical university;
  3. Increased demands of the education system to psychological support at the theoretical and practical application levels.

Department of Psychology and Special Education focuses on training professional personnel for work in educational institutions, psychological and psycho-medical-social centers, psychological services, research centers, training centers, business organizations, penitentiary system, etc.

Department of Psychology and Special Education addresses the following important tasks of professional activity

  • development of psychological reasons for providing adequate and effective learning environment, education and personal development;
  • application of knowledge and experience of foreign and domestic psychological science to solving the problems of modern education, especially in terms of innovation in education;
  • promoting service as a system of practical psychology factor modernization of Kazakhstan's education;
  • Development of practical psychology and models of psychological services in various types of educational institutions;
  • scientific and methodological support of the practical psychologist in educational institutions, legal institutions, business organizations, etc.;
  • provide training to qualified psychological support participants in the educational process , taking into account age and individual characteristics , social positions and needs;
  • creating a new generation of textbooks and manuals aimed at modernizing the process of preparation of psychologists, speech pathologists , athletic trainers and others for the education system;
  • Development of professional interaction with research centers , universities, teaching universities and foreign countries , etc. 

The department provides targeted training:

  • Master of Psychology program "Psychology";
  • Master of psycho-pedagogical education program "Pedagogy and Psychology";
  • Master of Education program "Defectology";
  • Master of Education program "Sport";
  • PhD doctoral specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology".

The department is actively involved in the educational process for all other areas and training programs leading to Master's and doctoral Institute PhD;

Teachers of the department conduct research in the following areas of research:

  • development of the activity, communication, talent and creativity in education;
  • training of teachers for working in inclusive education;
  • psychological support education of children with deviant behavior, etc. Main areas of scientific research:

Main areas of scientific research:

  • educational psychology, legal psychology, special (correctional) psychology etc.

Our chempions

  • Olga Murtazina

    2nd year undergraduate of "Physical Culture and Sports" is the International Master of Sports of trampoline and tumbling, international judge on the trampoline, team coach of cheerleading in Abai KazNPU

  • Ravila Rafikova

    2nd year undergraduate of "Physical Culture and Sports Department" is the International Master of Sports in gymnastics.

The department has leading scientists and experienced teachers. Among them, 4 Doctors pedagogical and psychological sciences and 6 PhDs, which provide for master's and doctoral scientific training of a new formation in a number of specialties: "Psychology", "Psychology and Pedagogy", "Defectology", "Sport". It is also involved in the educational process of other doctors of science departments.

"Our beauty"

Guldarhan Albekova

1st year undergraduate of the department of "Defectology Department" "Miss Institute - 2009" nomination "Talented Beauty"; "Miss Institute - 2010" nomination "First Vice-Miss"; "Miss Spring - 2010"; "Miss Spring of Aktobe-2010”.

Teachers of the department are actively involved in the legal, scientific, theoretical and educational-methodical maintenance of higher professional and postgraduate education. Teachers of the department are the authors of of SES and model programs, textbooks, and teaching aids. The department maintains close ties with scientists and foreign countries: Germany, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Australia, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.