Department of Natural specialties is part of the Institute of Masters and Doctoral PhD Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai.

The main objective of the department to prepare highly, competitive competent professionals in key areas of the natural sciences - biology, chemistry, geography and ecology. Disciplines in the department organized in accordance with and all the modern trends. Preparation of Masters and doctoral students conducted in the state, Russian and foreign languages. Currently, the department has more than 148 graduate and doctoral 2.

At the department is preparing the program 1.5 and 2 years of training in the following specialties:

Master degree

  • 6M011600 - Geography
  • 6M060900 - Geography
  • 6M011300 - Biology
  • 6M060700 - Biology
  • 6M011200 - Chemistry
  • 6M011200 - Chemistry
  • 6M060600 - Chemistry
  • 6M060800 - Ecology.


  • 6D011600 - Geography
  • 6D060900 - Geography
  • 6D011300 - Biology
  • 6D060700 - Biology
  • 6D011200 - Chemistry
  • 6D060600 - Chemistry.

Educational and scientific activities of the department of the Institute of Natural specialties Master's and PhD doctoral carried out in 2009 (date of establishment units). Faculty (PPP) of the department consists of 38 people, among them - 18 doctors of sciences (2 academicians of NAS RK), 17 candidate of sciences. All teachers have academic degrees and Ph.D. in the field of "Biology", "Ecology", "Chemistry", "Geography".

As head of the Department of Natural specialties carried Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Professor M.A.Bektemesov (2009-2010), Academician N.Zh.Takibaev (2010-2011), from September of 2011 to the present time, the department is headed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences., Professor Zh.B.Childebayev. (2011 2013g.g), Doctor of Biological Sciences. Professor N.K.Aralbay (from 2013-2014).

The department, many teachers have become owners grant "The best teacher of the year ." : Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences . Professor Bektemisov M.A, Doctor of Chemical Sciences . Meyirova G.I, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences . Professor Iskakov K.T, Candidate of Biological Sciences.Professor Mynbayeva BN , Doctor of Education. Professor Zh.Shіldebaev , Doctor of Geographical Sciences . Professor K. D. Kaymuldinova , Doctor of Geographical Sciences . Professor O.B.Mazbaev , Doctor of Education. Professor K.Bakirova , Doctor of Biological Sciences. Professor D.Dzhusupova. The department has partnered with teachers from Russia, Turkey, China, Germany, South Korea (Seoul), etc.

The Department works in the following fields:

  • - priorities for the development of geography;
  • - the nature of Kazakhstan, its biodiversity, biological resources and environmental and biological monitoring;
  • - synthesis, physico-chemical study of water-soluble and bioactive polymer materials;
  • - the problem of waste oil recycling and recovery of technologically-disturbed areas.

In accordance with the curriculum of undergraduates are teaching , production and field practices , as well as 1-2 week internship abroad. Second year doctoral training program provides foreign training for up to three months. For the master class (for both Masters and doctoral students and for faculty ) Department invites professors, experts from near and far abroad. For example, for graduate and doctoral students of the department of natural sciences professor lectured V.A.Izumrudov ( Russia ) , Professor Martin Hofrihter and Herman Boos (Germany ), PhD John Cook Shim (South Korea) and other scientists from Japan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine.

Specialty "Chemistry" Masters and doctoral lecture seven doctors: Academician E.A Bekturov Professor: G.I Meirova, M.A Shokybayev, M.E Yermaganbetov, S.E Daybergenov. For future specialists in chemistry l aboratories equipped with modern appliances conducted workshops . Laboratory department is equipped with laboratory equipment worth over 20 million tenge.

The field of " Biology" and "Ecology" lessons are conducted by 12 faculty: of them - 9 doctors, professors ( Zh.B.Shіldebayev , A.T.Kanayev , L.B.Seylova , N.K.Aralbay , B.N . Mynbayeva , K.Sh.Bakirova ) . To perform research laboratory established with the active participation of biomonitoring PhD, professor KazNPU named after Abai Mynbayeva B.N. Master students pedagogical direction of natural specialties are teaching practice on basic faculties and graduate scientific field research practice held at the Research Institute of botany, zoology , microbiology , physiology , etc.

Topics Masters and doctoral theses correspond to modern scientific concepts, reflecting the nature of their future profession. Topics master, doctoral dissertations are reviewed and approved by the Academic Council of the University.

At the highest level is the introduction to the educational process of innovative educational technologies . So , in the learning process implemented electronic versions of textbooks A.T Kanayeva "Methods of biotechnology ", " Su ekologiyasy ", " Microbiology and Virology ", " Ecology" , as well as textbooks " Biogeography ", " Environment and Sustainable Development " for universities , textbooks "Biology" for 9th Grade 3 complexes " Ecology " for 9th Grade 4 complexes , " Biology " for 11 students with professor Zh.B.Shildebayeva 3 complexes . K.Sh.Bakirova published manuals on innovative technology of modular training , the monograph and 3 articles with high impact factor. Professor A.T.Kanayev - is the owner of an international grant jointly with China to conduct research , and he was elected an academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

Professor B.N Mynbayeva received Medal named after A.Nobel for achievements in the field of invention, it is the holder of a state grant for research and only in recent years has published 12 articles in journals with high impact factor.

With a view to the introduction of innovative technologies and the expansion of contacts in the educational process of the department leading experts of the Republic and the CIS in " Geography" and "Tourism" , academician and A.S.Beysenova K.D.Kaymuldinova Doctor of Geographical Sciences , Professor ZH.B . Bulanbaev , docents K.Musa , K.K.Muzdybaeva , D.M.Borankulova ; with the Research Institute of Geography invited Doctor of Geographical Sciences . Professor Zh.Dostay , A. Tursunov , A.Medeu , as well as the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University , Doctor of Geographical Sciences . Professor Sh.M.Nadyrov and A.P Gorbunov . Associate Professor of Geography cabinet formed D.Borangulova .

Lessons in a chemistry lab

Further training teachers of the department are held in the country and abroad. Teachers and students are available National Library, the Library of the Academy of Sciences, Library of the Ministry of Education and Science. Teachers of the department together with masters involved in organizing various social activities of the University as "Subbotnik", "Teacher's Day", "Meeting with undergraduates," so during the meeting, staff of the department introduced undergraduates 1 course with the directions of their disciplines, the rules of the credit system learning.

The faculty of the department involved as adviser and mentor. Each teacher is made educational program, which is discussed and approved at a meeting of the department. The question for the organization and conduct of graduate students "Open Day", "Round table" on significant dates and pressing problems of our time.

High demand for graduates of the Department of Natural specialties majors. Qualified Master of Science and PhD doctors are sent to higher educational institutions, some of them work at the Institute of geography, chemistry , zoology, and other institutions. So , now our graduates work - lecturers Institute Master and doctoral PhD, KazNPU named after Abai work K.K.Muzdybaeva candidate of science, A.V Egorov ; Senior Lecturer work A.Benkutova , R.Iskakova , N.Shakirova , K.Sadykova , B.Tastanova , A.Kuspanova , Zh.Kaldybaeva ; in Kyzylorda State University Korkyt Ata successfully employed candidate of science O.Aidarov , N.Auezova , T.Abdirova ; in Almaty Technological University ( ATU ) is a senior lecturer - A.Seilhan , B.Takibaeva , M.Adambekova , Zh.Shalabaeva ; A.Uzakova graduates , academic staff working A.Grachev research institutes of chemistry and zoology. Many graduates work in positions of responsibility in government . On this basis, we can proudly say that the results of monitoring the demand for our graduate students is 90%. The demand for our graduates is increasing every year.