Department is managed the doctor of historical sciences, professor, corresponding member of NAS RK M.K Koigeldiyev - winner Socrates International Award (UK), Professor Emeritus of the University of Vienna International Relations, was awarded the "Parasat" Republic of Kazakhstan, President of the Association of Historians of Kazakhstan, scientific director of the research center "Aitylgan tarikh."

Currently, the department has: Dr. Professor M.K Koigeldiev, H.A Suteeva, G.A Seksembaeva, B.O Zhanguttin, A.Toktabay; candidates docents Sh.T. Nurman, Z.B Myrzataeva, Sh.B.Tleubaev, M.CH. Kalybekova, M.E Sultanov, O.M Konyratbaev, E.T Potassium, R.R Kairbekov, A.I Ibragimov, N.Bazylhan, E.A.Zhalmagambetov etc.

Department of History and Culture of Kazakhstan is preparing Masters and PhD students in the following specialties:

Masters program

  • 6M011400 - History
  • 6M020300 - History
  • 6M050500 - Area
  • 6M010700 - Fine Art and Drawing

(1 year)

  • 6M010700 - Fine Art and Drawing

(2 years)

  • 6M041600 - Arts

PhD program

  • 6D011400 - History
  • 6D020300 - History
  • 6D020300 - History

Within the framework of long-term development priorities of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University in 2009 in order to improve the quality of masters and doctors opened Institute of Masters and PhD programs as a separate unit. The Institute faculty "Humanities" (now - Dept. of "History and Culture of Kazakhstan"), which carried out the study and teaching of national history, the theory of global and domestic arts, artistic pedagogy.

Teaching staff of the department

The Teaching staff of the department contribute significantly to the study of current problems in the history and culture of Kazakhstan . Teachers of the department read general lectures on domestic and world history to graduate and doctoral courses I-II , a special discipline and copyrights on subjects "Political repression in Kazakhstan", "Alash Movement : Rethinking the problems and new sources," "Oral History: methodology and methods of research", "science of history and theory of modern", "History of Russian culture ", " Political thought and the new time modernity", "History of everyday life : methods and methodology", "Methods of historical geography in regional studies", " Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of the Asia- Pacific region", "Theoretical and methodological problems of historiography and source" regularly participate in a seminar on general Cathedral methodological problems of national history XIX -XXI centuries.

As part of the training Master students implemented pedagogical and research practices taking place in universities of Almaty; Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, numbering in their collections more than 1 million 500 thousand cases, is the largest multi-country archive; State Museum of Art named after Kasteyev, galleries of contemporary art Almaty, etc.

Employees of the department conduct research in the following areas : history of everyday life , the history of the national liberation movement of the Kazakh people in the twentieth century. Conceptual problems of the Stalinist period in Kazakhstan, the man in the system of the dictatorship ( socio-cultural aspects ), history of political repression in Kazakhstan , historical demography, theoretical foundations of Kazakh traditional and modern art , landscape painting , teaching art research in the theory , history and technique of teaching fine art, innovative art technology , art management, etc.

Broad and diverse international contacts department. The department collaborates with universities : Hokkaido (Japan) , Hanshan Pedagogical University (China), Marmara University (Turkey), Siauliai University ( Lithuania), Charles University (Czech Republic) , Mimar Sinan University, Istanbul (Turkey), International Association"Oral History " Institute for the study of Totalitarian Regimes (Prague), University. Tabatai (Iran) , Budapest , Pecs University (Hungary), M. Lomonosov Moscow State University , Institute of Russian History, RAS , Ural Branch of the Institute of History and Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences , Central Asian Aga Khan University in Naryn , the Russian Islamic University , Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

Teachers of the department - active participants in international conferences, symposia and colloquia. Over the past years they have delivered lectures and presentations in the U.S., the UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Poland and Russia. Members of the department were owners repeatedly grants from various foundations such as the Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Moscow office of the World Bank, Fund «HECAP» (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, United Kingdom), «The Christensen Fund» (USA), Republic of Kazakhstan state grant "The best teacher of high school."

The department has international links with the University of Hokkaido (Japan), South Korean University of Foreign Languages, University. Tabatai (Iran), Budapest, Pecs University (Hungary), Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Institute of Literature, Moscow State University named after Lomonosov, Institute of Russian History, RAS, Ural Branch of the Institute of History and Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Islamic University, Novosibirsk Pedagogical University.

Also, the department cooperates with universities: the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after A. Yassaui , Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical University, Aktobe State University named after K. Zhubanov, Suleiman Dimerel University, research institutes and institutions as the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Valikhanov, Central State Archive of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Archive of the President of Kazakhstan, the Central Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the State Museum named after A.Kasteyev.