The department is part of the Institute of Masters and PhD Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Activities of the department is directed to implement programs of postgraduate education and training of the teaching staff in the field of computer science and information education, mathematics.

The department was opened September 1, 2010 for the purpose of training in the field of computer science and information and education called the Department of Computer Science and Information Education . In early 2011, it was decided to implement the training degree in Mathematics at the department . In September 2011, the department began training specialists and mechanics in connection with what was renamed the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Mechanics and specialties. Since September 2012 , specialty training mechanics began to be carried to another department.

The department has a license in the field of mathematics and computer science in two areas: scientific and educational areas.

Currently being prepared by the department for training programs for the following specialties:

Masters program

  • 6M011100-Science (2 years)
  • 6M010900-Mathematics (2 years)


  • 6D060100-Mathematics (3 years)

Head of the Department is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Esen Bidaibekov Yklasovich, which has a rich 30-year experience of creation, formation and development of the Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Physics and Mathematics Faculty of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Bidaibekov Esen Yklasovich is the current member of the International Academy of Informatization of Education (AIE). In 2007 and 2012, was awarded the title "Best teacher of high school for a year."идайбеков Есен Ыкласович является действующим академиком Международной академии информатизации образования (МАИН). В 2007 и 2012 годах был удостоен звания «Лучший преподаватель ВУЗа за год».

The basic structure of the department was formed from the faculty of Physics and Mathematics Faculty Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, as well as renowned scholars (Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences., Prof. Medeuov E.W, Doctor of Physics. Professor. MA Bektemesov, etc.). Work in the department of Doctor of Science, received state grant "The best teacher of the university for a year": E.Y. Bidaibekov (2007, 2012), B.R Kaskataeva (2010)

Currently, the faculty of the department consists of 11 teachers: 2 of which - doctors of science professors, 2 - doctors of science docent, 3 - candidates of sciences, docent and 2 - candidates of sciences senior teachers, 2 - PhD, senior teachers.

Scientific directions of the department include the following areas: theory and methods of teaching science and informatization of education; theory and methods of teaching mathematics in the education system; modern problems of research on differential equations and applied mathematics; actual problems of Applied Mechanics; theory and practice of higher education.

The department operates scientific seminar "Informatization of Education and learning problems." The seminar discusses the theory and methodology of training and education science at school and university, in post-secondary vocational education, issues and problems of informatization of education, the state SES RK and textbooks on educational field "Computer Science".

The results of their current research doctors and candidates of sciences in the field 13.00.02 , 13.00.08 ( J.C Nurbekova , S.S Ussenov , B.S Akhmetov , A.E Sagimbayeva , G.B Kamalova , W.T. Shekerbekova , L.B Rakhimzhanova , S. Konev , N.T Oshanova , B.G Bostanov etc.).

The seminar by leading experts and scientists in the field of computer science and education informatization Russia such as prof. S.G Grigoriev , prof. V.V Grinshkun , prof. Kornilov V.S, prof. N.I Pak , prof. Boronenko , prof. O. Zaslavsky , prof. M.A Pervin , etc.

Today, the seminar discusses the results of research masters and PhD students, the content of SES RK, state of informatization of education system in the country, heard reports on research trips teaching staff near and far abroad (E.Y. Bidaibekov - Russia, Turkey, Poland, Japan; B . R. Kaskataeva - Russia; Kamalova G.B - Russia; Rakhimzhanova L.B - Germany; S. Konev - Turkey, India, Portugal, B.G Bostanov - Poland; Baimuldina N.S - United Kingdom , Hungary).

At the department were conducted master classes prof. V.V Grinshkun "Problems of Informatization of Education" (May 2011, 2012, 2013 Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia), Prof.. I.N Skopin "Early learning parallel programming" (October 2011, Novosibirsk State University, Russia). Pak N.I (October 2013), M.A Pervin (December 2013) In June 2011, training was provided to teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates in conjunction with the National Center of Informatization "Implementation of e-learning components for academics" (Associate Professor Tuenbaeva K.T).

Together with the company “INTEL’” at the Department of Intel trains teachers and teachers on the program "Education for the future of the XXI century", the result was translated teachers textbook in the Kazakh language (E.Y. Bidaibekov, Oshanova N.T).

In 2013, the department had issued a PhD student majoring in Mathematics and 6D060100-12 Master students majoring 6M011100-Informatics, 15 Master students majoring in Mathematics-6M0109006. Currently on faculty honors include: the specialty 6M011100-Computer (Bulakbaeva I.M, Tuyakova N.S, Dyusebaeva A.O); majoring 6M010900-Mathematics (Dzhurgabaev B.E, B.A Umarov, Espolov B., A. Myrzabaeva).

Masters and doctoral candidates tested monthly scientific training in universities neighbor (NSU Russia, Russian State Pedagogical University, Russian Communist Party) and far (France, Germany, Hungary) countries.

Employees of the department collaborative work by researchers from the c : Omsk State Pedagogical University (Omsk) , Moscow City Pedagogical University (Moscow), Novosibirsk State University (Novosibirsk) , Krasnoyarsk University (Krasnoyarsk) , Institute of Mathematics and Informatics technology Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent) , University of Pecs (Hungary ) (University of Pecs (Hungary)), University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain), Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania), Tallinn University (Estonia), Vilnius Pedagogical University ( Lithuania), Pedagogical University Kärnten / Viktor Frankl University (Austria), Institute of Geology and Geophysics ( Chinese Academy of Sciences ) .

A faculty also actively participates in the transition to 12-year education: are the authors of the state standard, curricula, textbooks and teaching aids for secondary school teachers in computer science.

The department operates on a full transition to credit technology at all levels. Readable on all courses developed model programs , syllabuses , work programs , work continues on the development of new teaching facilities. Currently, work is underway to build educational information resources readable disciplines , to develop electronic teaching materials based system Moodle. Lectures and seminars are conducted mainly in computer classes , using information and communication technology , electronic publications and educational resources , computer-based testing system is used to control.