Department of Physics, Mechanics and professional education is one of the newly foundeddepartments of Master’s and PhD institutes of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay. In accordance with the decision of the Academic Council of the University on the 1st of September 2012 branches "physics", "mechanics" and "training" were combined into one department separating from the Department of Natural Sciences and the department of Computer Science and the Institute of Mathematical and Mechanical sciences.

Activities of the department aim at implementation of programs of postgraduate education and training of the teaching staff in physics and professional education in the following areas: 6M011000-Physics, 6M060400-Physics, 6M12000-Professional Education, 6D011000-Physics. Currently in the department special attention is paid to the learning within the multilingual group, which facilitates tothe language preparation and professional development of the specialists.

In 2012-2013, professor Baimakhanuly Almukhan,the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences,was head of the department, now he is director of the Institute of Applied Physics and Mathematics of the University. Since January 2014Professor TlebayevKayratBeyshenovich, corresponding member of the Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences, deputy director of the Research Institute of the PD, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, is in charge.

The faculty of the department consists of eight people, including - 5 PhDs, professors K.B.Tlebayev , M.S.Moldabekova, G.B. Alimbekova, U.K. Tokbergenova, D.M.Kazakhbayeva , 2 candidates of sciences, professors B.E.Akitay, R.Basharuly and 1 PhDdoctor, Senior Lecturer D.Nasirova. Implemention of improving of scientific orientation in master’s degree and doctoral studies carried out with the leading scientists of the republic likeprofessors A.Baymakhanuly, M.K.Kulbek , K.M.Mukashev, A.K. Shokanov, K.K. Istekov, V.S.Lysenko ( Physics and Mathematics Faculty of KazNPU named after Abay ), professor L.M. Chechin ( LLC " Astrophysical Institute named after V.G.Fesenkov ").

The faculty of the department

Scientific direction of the department

The main direction of scientific work of the department is to train professionals (physics and vocational training) in terms of updating the content of higher education and the introduction of the model of 12 years study. In accordance with this direction,educational and methodical, scientific and methodological work of the department is aimed at improving the quality of education, integration into the international educational space, the implementation of individually oriented training, disclosure of potential abilities of students, taking into account the specificity of specialities of the department.

Main directions of research include the following areas: theory and methods of teaching physics in the education system; actual problems and the basic principles of modern physics; theory and practice of higher professionaleducation.

Educational personnel training degree in physics and vocational training are based on the specific requirements of the professional market.

For students majoring in physics were organized 5 international schools for young physicists, which was attended by world-renowned scientists N.Zh.Takibaev (KazNU named after Al-Farabi), Herman Boos (Germany), KadzhiFudzhi (Japan), S.I. Zaitsev (Russia), as well as physicists of “Kazakh atomic industry".

Meeting with foreign colleagues

International scientific conferences and seminars for students and faculty are annually organized at the department. An international forum on the topic: "The closure of the Semipalatinsk test site" was held, which was attended by physicists from Russia, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Uzbekistan and other countries; Republican scientific and methodical, theoretical seminar on "Methodological aspects of teaching nanotechnology in pedagogical universities of Kazakhstan."

All the activities of the faculty(of the Departmenthas the scientific research direction with the active involvement of doctoral students and undergraduates. Staff of the department has published articles in the leading world journals included in the database of Scopus, Thomson Reuters and RISC.

Scientific training of PhD doctor D. Nasirova at the university of Wuppertal (Germany)
Scientific training of master B. Abdykadyrov at the International education center of Dusseldorf University (Germany)

According to the study plans, undergraduates and doctoral students of the department have pedagogical, research and industrial practice, the department also annually organizes training abroad in the leading universities of Russia, Belarus, Latvia, Germany, China. Doctoral students and undergraduates share experience , listening to the lectures of leading scientists . For undergraduates and doctoral students, as well as the staff of the department leading scientists of our industry conducted a master class of Professor S.I.Zaytsev (Russia), Professor Herman Boos (Germany), Professor K.Fudzhi , A.Tonzaki , K.Kato , Sh. Oryu (Japan) and others.

Department of physics, mechanics and professional education maintains close ties with foreign scientists of the leading universities in Japan (Hokkaido University, Sapporo); Germany (University of Wuppertal, Wuppertal); Latvia (University of Latvia, Riga), with most of them there are contracts and memoranda of cooperation with our university.

The Department operates Laboratory "Physics and nanotechnology", which is equipped with modern equipment for nanotechnology (Study Case UMKA and multi-scanning microscope SMM2000) and thermodynamics (Study Case MITI).

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor A. Baimakhanuly at the lesson with masters
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.S. Moldabekova at the lesson with undergraduates

The faculty of the department does a great educational work with masters and doctoral students as an adviser and mentor. Educational activities of the teachers of the department are carried out directly by all possible means; at lectures and seminars and conducting extracurricular activities. According to the established schedule teachers of the department are involved in the dormitory duty, where there is also fruitful educational work carried out.