Department of Philological specialties of the Institute of Master and PhD Programs was established in 2011/2012 academic year. Foundation of the department was another important impetus for the development of philology in Kazakhstan. It positively impacted on the development of new technologies expanding and deepening the methodological basis of philology and language teaching; strengthened the international contacts aided for integration into the global scientific and educational space. The department is one of the largest departments of the University and the Institute. It consists of 41 staff members, including 21 doctors of science, 16 candidates of science and 1 PhD doctor.

The department is well-known for its scientists and educators, who greatly contributed to the development of the Kazakh science and education in the formation of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Republic, promote the prestige of the philological profession, whose works are marked with state and governmental awards. One of the efficiency factors of the scientific work of the department is the special scientific environment that established in it, which occupies a leading position in the scientific area of ​​the Republic thanks to the active external relations with other scientific and educational organizations. Priority form of activities of the department in this direction is the regular international, national, intercollegiate conferences, round tables, workshops on topical issues of the Kazakh and Russian linguistics and the Kazakh and Russian literature, the general theory of linguistics, literary theory and applied aspects on which a significant scientific achievements of philologists are represented and the results of successful development of scientific schools are functioning in the department as well.