Department of Political Science and socially - philosophical disciplines of the Institute of Masters and PhD doctoral Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai was founded in September 2009. Since the founding of the Department in charge of doctor of philosophical sciences, professor Absattarov Raushanbek Burambaevich.

The department operates Doctorate PhD in political science, sociology and philosophy. Currently, undergraduates and doctoral department continue to successfully engage in research work on the themes of his doctoral and master's theses.

Specific results of research work of the department is reflected in the various spheres of activity of teachers, doctoral students and undergraduates. Published scientific papers have both scientific and theoretical significance and application value. Results of research used in the educational process.
Edited by Professor R.B Absattarov continuing issue of the scientific journal Bulletin KazNPU named after Abai Series "Sociological and political science," which is based on the order KNASON was included in the list of publications for publication of scientific results of dissertations on political and sociological sciences (specialty 23.00.00, 22.00.00). This journal publishes research papers, authors of both Kazakh and foreign scientists.
As doctoral and masters of the department participate in the international scientific and practical conferences , including in scientific seminars and round tables of this Institute.

At the department is a joint activity with the Department of Political Science and Sociology French State University - Lyon 2 . As well as joint ventures with Peoples' Friendship University (Russian Federation) , with Ramiris University (Lithuania ) , with the University of London (UK), with the University of Istanbul ( Turkish Republic ) , with the University of Korea (Seoul) , Kiev and Belorussian university etc.

One of the new forms of work organization with undergraduates is their training abroad. Graduate department of all specialties are scientific training at the leading universities of the above mentioned countries. Undergraduates familiar with the experience of master's training in different countries, attend lectures by leading scientists, visit the organization of education, etc. The practice of scientific trips outside the Republic aimed at expanding the scientific and professional interests of undergraduates.

Master students faculty on foreign training

Our department and the department of "Social Sciences and Humanities" KazNPU named after Abai together with the Department "Political Science" Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi is working on the exchange of experience in scientific activity.
Staff of the department assists in the training of scientists Kyzylorda State University named after Kork yt -ata, South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezov , Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical University named after Shakarim, Taraz State University named after MK Dulati , Kokshetau State University named after Sh.Ualihanov .

Specific results of research work of the department is reflected in the various spheres of activity of teachers , doctoral and masters

Graduates Masters

Teaching staff of the department published 15 monographs, 16 manuals, 2 textbooks, 1 workshop, 2 brochures, more than 262 articles, of which 63 foreign and 137 papers in international and national conferences, 16 of them foreign, main content is generally consistent with the goals and problems posed in the study of the department of social and political problems of the modern world and Kazakhstan.

The faculty of the department

In 2010-2011. staff of the department of political science and socio-economic disciplines led the research work on the five priority areas of basic research, approved by the Council of the Institute and on the faculty meeting.

Main research areas:

  • Ethnopolitical Science of RK.

Political socialization of personality: a comparative analysis.

  • External environment entrepreneurship RK.
  • Modern trends in the social structure of RK.
  • The integration policy of the international community

Conducted a number of theoretical studies on the processes of integration policy of the international community, current trends of the social structure of the RK, sociology society, culture, communication between the peoples. University chairs of our department in the creative, scientific and pedagogical plan is one of the leading places.