Enrolling in the Institute of Master and PhD Programs, you can get along with Kazakh diploma as well as diploma from a foreign university partner. We offer a double degree program:

  • University of Sorbonne (France): "Management", "International Relations";
  • Girne University (USA): "Psychology";
  • University of Wuhan (China): "International Relations";
  • Edukological University (Lithuania): "Pedagogy and Psychology";
  • Hubei University of Technology (China), "Teaching Chinese as a second language/Foreign language: two foreign languages", "Information Technology", "Oriental studies", "E-Business/Marketing";
  • University of Granada (Spain): "Philology" (PhD);
  • Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University (Russia): "Computer Science";
  • Graduate School of International Languages in Pshasyn (Poland): "Philology";
  • The Baltic International Academy (Latvia): "International Finance/Finance", "Business Administration/Management";
  • Moscow State Regional University (Russia): "Physics", "Pedagogy and Psychology", "Philology (for foreigners)";
  • Novosibirsk Pedagogical State University (Russia): "Fine arts and drawing", "Biology", "Chemistry";

Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University participates in the international master program "ICT for teachers for professional development", prepared under the memorandum of the Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE) of UNESCO. As a result of training master students in agreed educational programs, the graduates are issued in addition to a master's degree certificate IITE.

«KAZNPU — university of striving to the future!»

The signing ceremony of the memorandum on the opening of the French University Sorbonne-Kazakhstan with the participation of the Rector of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Mr. S.Dzh. Praliev and Rector's Advisor of the University of Sorbonne, Mr. J.F. Girard.
