
I arrived at the Institute of Master’s and Doctoral PhD of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai to deliver lectures to students of Master’s and PhD programmes from 1 to 8 December 2013and to providescientific support to a PhD student.

I arrived at the Institute of Master’s and Doctoral PhD of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai to deliver lectures to students of Master’s and PhD programmes from 1 to 8 December 2013and to providescientific support to a PhD student. From the day of arrival the administration of the Institute gave us a warm welcome and showed deep respect; we were delighted by the wonderful hospitality peculiar to the Kazakh people. The Institute supplied us with modern equipment necessary to deliver lectures. The teaching staff of the Philology Department took an active part in lectures sharing their views with colleagues on the problems of Turkology. PhD students (doctoral-candidates)as well as undergraduates of this University are also very active. Their desire to know the history of the Turkic people, their language, differences and similarities impressed us immensely. We were attracted by various innovative and ambitious projects put forward by the Director of the Institute G.B. Nurlikhin and the Head of the Chair R.A.Shakhanova. The offers concerning future cooperation of Kazakh –Turkic scientists in writing monographs, scientific works and projects were made. Moreover it would be great to establish academic mobility between our countries exchanging PhD students, undergraduates and even scientists to gain experience. Staying here in Kazakhstan, the University lefta favourable impression on us. We are grateful to the administration of the University for their significant contribution to the expansion of education boundaries having invited foreign scientist. We wish you to enjoy gratitude and success!