
Что пишут об институте наши зарубежные коллеги

    • Kenan Koc, PhD doctor
    • Hereby, I would like to present my positive...
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    • Doctor Ali Akar
    • I arrived at the Institute of Master’s and...
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    • Grinshkun Vadim
    • About the Department of Informatics and...
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    • Kalieva Venera
    • 2 year master student of “The Kazakh language...
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    • Shalkarbek Aygerim
    • 2 year master student of “The Kazakh language...
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    • Second-year master student of «Pedagogy and...
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    • S.A. Balashenko
    • Belarusian State University
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    • Iwona Anna Ndyay
    • Impressions from a visit to Abai KazNPU
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    • Doctor of pedagogical sciences Dzhurinsky Alexander
    • Moscow
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    • Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Nikolai Pak
    • Russian Federation, Krasnoyarsk
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    • Inessa Ishakvu
    • 1st year master student of "Physical Culture...
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